The festival of carol and nine lessons was first held in the Truro Cathedral in England by Archbishop Benson where a little boy read the first lesson and the Archbishop read the last lesson .
The Roban Christmas carol is rich with thrilling ensemble music, alive with colour and movement and is created to tell this great and enduring tale of the birth of Jesus Christ in a manner that people of all ages will enjoy. Woven throughout this classic tale are beautiful new arrangements and moving renditions of holiday songs such as Silent Night, For unto us a Child is Born Away in a Manger, Hark the Herald Angels Sing.
This years’ carol took place on 20 December 2016 at Roban Hotels and the Host, Sir Rob Anwatu took the format of the first order. Every segment of the programs began and ended with melodious Christmas hymns/songs or presentations.
This being the second festival of carol and nine lessons that has taken place in Roban Hotels, it was more populated than the first. The program for the event was published and distributed to guest. There were more than 500 attendants. The event was well organized and the Nine lessons were read;
The first lesson was taken from Genesis 3:1-21 on the fall of man
The second lesson was taken from Genesis 2:15-18 on the seed of Abraham
The third lesson was taken from Isaiah 11:1-10 on the stem of Jesse
The forth lesson was taken from Micah 5:2-14 on The Annunciation.
The fifth lesson was taken from Matthew 1: 18-26 on the birth of Jesus
The sixth lesson was taken from Luke 2:1-7 on the Naming of Jesus
The seventh lesson was taken from Luke 2:8-22on the Shepherds Visit.
The eight lesson was taken from Matthew 2:1-11 on the Magi’s Visit
Finally the Host Sir Rob Anwatu read ninth lesson from John 1:1-14 on the Mystery of the incarnation.
The nine lessons, the hymns, and all presentations account the mysteries and occasions surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ. The carol of nine lessons is a service of sober reflection which compels all everyone on the need to accept the new born king as the Lord and Savior of mankind.
After the lessons were read the Archbishop E.O Chukwuma (OON) gave a short Homily, emphasizing the significance of the new born king, prayers were said generally for the season of celebration and for Christians all over the world especially for the Anglican Communion.
The host finally gave vote of thanks expressing his gratitude at the unexpected number of people that honoured the occasion . The closing prayer was said by the Archbishop.