Business in Roban Stores is made possible by the patronage and support of people in our community. The people in our community shop at Roban Stores due to the variety of products that we have to offer and the hospitable attitude shown to the customers.
Our Community
Positive Feedacks
They spread the good news to the multitude and we experience growth as a result of the positive feedback. We love and value our local community. We work with the people to empower & encourage them towards progress regardless of the economic circumstance in Nigeria. We engage the local community in various ways to raise the morale of the people.
CEO Engagment
The CEO of Roban Stores delivers numerous speeches at Universities, Churches and Auditoriums to enlighten the youths on education, career, a positive lifestyle. Our CEO has faced many perils in the past and uses himself as a role model to prove that hard work and determination will lead to a brighter future. Our CEO follows up with the youths by providing scholarships & employment opportunities to residents.
Community Connection
Our Store is made up of local people that can relate to the needs of the customers that visit the store and a close community connection is felt as a result of this. We occasionally give out goods for free by sharing products like bread, cakes, drinks and various pastry products, etc.
Contact Us
We value your opinion so if you have any comments or suggestions we are always happy to hear from you to enable us serve you better.